Sunday, August 9, 2009

B.O. update: 'Agyaat' best at single screens, 'Teree Sang' has an edge

Both AGYAAT and TEREE SANG competed for audience attention this Friday. While AGYAAT was strong at single screens -- 60% to 70% -- the numbers at plexes weren't too encouraging [20% +]. On the other hand, TEREE SANG sprung a pleasant surprise by fetching a better start at plexes. The reports are positive and the film is expected to grow with a strong word of mouth. Saturday and Sunday, of course, hold the key.

The youth has taken to TEREE SANG and have appreciated the subject as also the lead pair of the film. However, the ending of AGYAAT has come in for sharp criticism from several places. The silver lining is, both AGYAAT and TEREE SANG are low-cost fares and wouldn't find it tough to recover their investments.


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