Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ramu's a dead man

Well it surely looks like it. Apart from the moustache, the dead man hanging from the cities billboards bears a striking resemblance to Ram Gopal Varma. No we are not kidding, but that's the length Ramu will go to to seek attention.

The director has hung a bloody dead man dummy around the cities billboards to promote his upcoming horror flick Agyaat. But many of the townsfolk actually thought the sick joke was a gruesome reality. Put up on Sunday morning, a crowd assembled near the Goregaon flyover in Mumbai and called the cops to have the dummy removed from the hoarding. The cops received many such similar calls later on.

Even the City Police were bewildered but thought it was a great marketing strategy and for now they have all the dummies in their custody. StarBoxOffice feels while Ramu sure knows how to spook the audience out of the cinemas, we can't say the same while in the cinema eh?

But what is to ponder is how far can you go to publicise a film. The last time Ramu wanted to dare people to watch Phoonkh all alone. Not that many went in, but this sort of joke- real life looking dummies hung up at traffic lights and important venues if not for scaring, will lead to trauma. Many people will perhaps not appreciate such a crude joke.

It's alright at a gallery, as an artist's impression, where you pay to pontificate about all things grostesque, but in a public space this kind of publicity campaign for a film will not go down well with the audience.


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