Thursday, August 6, 2009

Believe you are the one: Priyanka

“We are blessed to be born Indian. We have great looks, fit body, sharp brains and a go-get-it attitude.

Everybody looks at an Indian beauty to make the mark. So, just go for it with the belief that you are the one,” said Bollywood beauty queen and former Miss World Priyanka Chopra to Pantaloons Femina Miss India-World’09 Pooja Chopra and Pantaloons Femina Miss India-Universe’09 Ekta Chowdhry as they prepared for their international pageants.

Priyanka every year takes time out from Bollywood to inspire and encourage the Miss Indias. She publicly maintains that showbiz happened to her because she is a Miss India. And she expresses her fundas on how to be presentable and how to flaunt Indianness at the international pageants forcefully. “Point No 1: Be honest about who you really are. Don’t put up a pretence. The jury are way too wise to detect the slightest put-on. Go to the podium and command your presence.”

Pooja and Ekta ask, “Do you think our looks are good enough? The girls there may have gone for body enhancements. Do you think we will make a difference? How should we answer questions which we do not have a strong opinion on?” Priyanka takes them without batting a eyelid, “Of course, you are the chosen ones. You have the honour of representing India. Miss Universe needs to have an air of ‘being there’ and Miss World should be ‘relateable’ and approachable, like a friend. You two already have the looks.”

She recalls her time. She was taught Bollywood dance by Shiamak Davar. “But I forgot the moves. So I did what came naturally for me. Fortunately, people liked it.” She had a wardrobe issue. And a scab on her forehead! “But my style of sporting an Indian bandhini sarong with a swimsuit saved the day and a twirly fringe covered the scab,” Priyanka reveals.

Before leaving Pooja and Ekta, Priyanka adds, “Destiny is a strong factor. Everything happens for a reason. Just enjoy yourself and remember the experience there will be what you narrate to your grandchildren! Make that moment in the sun special and have no regrets. And if you miss the crown by a whisker, then... just join films, I’d say.”


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