Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My name is Karan

That’s the name of Johar’s blog which begins online tomorrow. Read on to find out his take on blogdom

Karan Johar knows how to make people laugh. And cry. He has a way with words, whether he is writing the dialogues for his films, using them to grill star friends on his TV show, or regaling you with his wicked one-liners about people we shan’t name.

Because Karan is honest, articulate, and knows how to hold his audiences (or in this case, web users) glued, it’s safe to assume that his blog will be a big hit, just like his movies. KJo’s first entry will appear tomorrow onwards at

Hello. Look who’s blogging now...
Hello, yes it’s me.

Why the need to blog?
(Sarcastically) You know me, a lot of people are blogging now, and since originality has never been one of my virtues, I decided to do the same. I’ve never been one to set trends, I’m more likely someone who follows trends, so…

Karan, please get serious!
Ok, ok. Again, it’s not an original thought. It’s more like the order of the day. We already have a Dharma Productions website and I wanted to create a buzz around it, and the blog will be the hook to do that. It was my dad’s dream to make Dharma a well-known brand. We are branching out, and as you know also extending our production base, and the blog is just another step in that direction.

A lot of filmmakers write to promote their films. Will you do that too?
(Emphatically) No. I don’t even have a film on the floor. Anyway, my blog will not be film-related. I am not writing to enhance the brand value of my projects. I will write about anything that I feel. I could be a brainwave I have, something I dreamt of last night, something that’s happening in the country, or about the fraternity…

Uh-oh, you will take off on the media and take on your colleagues!
Not at all. My blog will not be offending or defending.

I think a blog should be about getting into the mindspace of the person who is writing it. To get where his thoughts are and try to connect. I’ll treat it like a column. I will write instinctively. It’s not my place to criticise because I am as flawed as the next guy.

Have you read other blogs? Like Anurag Kashyap’s, Amitabh Bachchcan’s and Aamir Khan’s?
I haven’t, though I’ve heard about them. I’m totally computer unsavvy. I’m hoping to change that now but uptil now all I did on the internet was google my name and read all the things people had to say about me. The blog is my chance to share with people what I have to say.

How often do you plan to blog?
Well, I can say that consistency is one of my virtues and as of now, the plan is to write at least once a week. The frequency might change. I may write more often.

Ok, finally, one person whose blog you’d love to read?
Shah Rukh Khan. Not for any other reason except I that I have had the privilege of reading parts of the book that he has been writing for the last five years. It’s amazing. Every chapter in the book has heart, soul, guts, emotion, drama... enough to keep the reader completely engrossed. If he ever decided to blog, it will be something to look out for.

What’s a blog?
A blog (short for web log) is a website usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as online diaries. A typical blog combines text and images. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.


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