Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What’s Shilpa’s mobile number ?

No, we aren’t referring to mobbing or any particular incident wherein a die-hard fan behaved indecently with the actress, but the fact that Shilpa’s personal cell phone number is now public knowledge.

Ever since the actress catapulted to overnight international stardom by winning the Celebrity Big Brother show in the UK earlier this year, Shilpa’s private cell phone number has remained a closely guarded secret. It remained in the safe hands of a total of six to eight of her confidantes, but now her number has been leaked on the internet. And the actress is having a tough time dealing with nonstop phone calls and messages from random fans from all parts of the world.

Over the phone from London, an extremely infuriated Shilpa says, “My phone hasn’t stopped buzzing since the last two days. I’ve received hundreds of calls and messages from all kinds of people, from all parts of the world! Some want to date me, some want to just listen to my voice, some want to inquire if my musical is doing well or not, and some are just calling to check if they are speaking to the real Shilpa Shetty or not! I am absolutely sick and fed up of such a drastic invasion of my privacy,” lashes out an upset Shilpa.

But who let her number out? A reliable source close to Shilpa says, “No one knows for sure but Shilpa’s cell phone is being circulated all over the internet through emails. It all began when a crazy fan, Jeetu Sethi, leaked her number on the internet via a mass email that he circulated to his friends. The email has Shilpa’s number pasted on a picture of hers and is being forwarded in India and abroad.”

Meanwhile, Shilpa’s spokesperson says, “We have no clue how this fan got hold of her number, but such mischief is damaging and Shilpa is not the kind of person to take it lying down. We will be taking up the matter with the concerned authorities dealing with such white-collar offences”.

Anant Narayanan, TNN


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