Monday, June 23, 2008

"My first day of work has been chopped off" - Harman Baweja

'One shouldn't get attached to the work you have done when it comes to filmmaking'

Well, self-admittedly Harman Baweja has learnt it the hard way. Even though he slogged it out in a big way to get his opening scene for his debut film Love Story 2050 just perfect, he was forced to swallow down his hurt when it was informed to him that the scene would not make it to the final cut.

Wasn't he disappointed? "Who won't be, you tell me,” questions Harman who still seems to be hurt about the fact even though the scene was canned months back, "No other scene can replicate the sense of the very first one that you shoot for. And to think of it, it required me to literally go through the grind due to extreme weather situation."

Really? "Yes,” says Harman whose debut vehicle is now less than a fortnight away from being unleashed on the big screen, "There I was in Australia where I was sitting on a yacht in the middle of the ocean. It was windy, temperature was around 8 degrees Celsius, and I was, believe it or not, completely drenched. Since there were quite a few takes required for the shot, I had to wet myself down repeatedly. From warm to cold to warm and so on, it indeed took a toll."

It must have been heartbreaking once the newsbreak about the scene being omitted was shared with him. "Of course yes,” promptly replies Harman, "It is after all your first day of work, and I not just stood there for the shot but also mouthed a few dialogues. It just taught me that one can't really get attached to one's work. It is situations like these which make you understand what filmmaking is all about and how you have to move on and give your best to every scene that you shoot for."

He concludes on a lighter note with a hearty laugh, "Considering how windy and cold it was when the scene was canned, perhaps dad (Harry Baweja) would have thought of it being a 'cold performance' indeed and hence chopped off the scene."


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