Contract for Yash Raj heroines
Yash Raj’s unique deals with heroines and not the latter’s obsession for anorexic bodies may well be the reason behind Bebo’s zero-size figure and Ash’s ultra-toned down look at 54 kilos.
The brand ‘Yash Raj’ strikes a romantic chord in every Bollywood lover’s heart. Those breath-taking snowy locations, grand sets, hi-stylized characters and ultra-sensuous heroines wrapped in pastels are what make their films a class apart. But as the super-hero Spiderman says, ‘With power comes responsibilities’ and so, in order that there’s no compromising for its patrons when it comes to the ‘glam’ quotient in its their movies, Yash Raj has been signing detailed contracts with each of its heroines.
Now while this is becoming the norm in B-town as it attains a ‘global’ and subsequently more professional avatar, Yash Raj deals with its heroines in a manner that’s one step ahead of all production houses in Bollywood.
Apparently, since every Yash Raj flick has atleast that one ‘sizzling’ scene where the actresses are expected to oblige the director by getting under those satin sheets, swim suits or just about anything that would allow for a low neckline, there’s a high chance of last-minute costume shockers that might leave our A-grade actresses in a sour taste and the audiences high and dry.
/photo.cms?msid=3038402 But the smart businessmen that the veterans of Yash Raj are, they have managed to keep all hassles at bay by including a sketch of the actress’s outfit in the film’s contract. Not just that, but the ‘deal’ also mentions the mandatory weight for the actresses during the time of shoot. And if you think we are exaggerating, here’s letting you on a li’l inside story.
Our very tall and slender Aishwarya Rai who has never really had weight issues ever, found her ‘Dhoom 2’ contract reading ‘required weight at the time of shoot: 54 kgs’. So while that ultra-toned look that may have appeared ‘pale’ to some of her fans and Bebo’s new zero-size figure in ‘Tashan’ may not appeal to most, it’s high-time we stop blaming our lovely ladies for doing away with all that flesh in the right places. After all, Yash Raj – the King of Romance – reigns supreme when it comes to calling the shots in Bollywood.
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