"Aamir, apologise to SRK immediately"
I hope you will get to read my post. I woke up this morning and logged into Bollywood Hungama and I could not believe the content of the article posted on that website so I checked your blog for confirmation.
I have been a life long fan of yours and I have always respected you as an actor par excellence and as an intellectual. I have looked up to you for most of my life and your movies have entertained us for decades. I strongly supported you during the Narmada dam controversy and a number of other controversies.
I was truly shocked to read your comments and I am very disappointed. I am not a huge admirer of SRK's acting abilities but he is by far the most charismatic and most popular star representing the east. He has earned the respect of millions of people. The comments you have posted on your blog are extremely offensive to all fans of the Indian cinema and not just SRK and his fans.
I think that you should have considered the cultural sensitivities that surround those comments. There are certain rules that need be followed and certain lines that are not to be crossed when addressing your competitors and adversaries in public.
You might notice that this is my first post on your website and I rarely comment on such issues but those outrageous comments are extremely hard to ignore. According to media reports, SRK's wife and his children are big fans of your work and I would like to know how you would face them after making those comments that are usually attributed to unsavory individuals.
I am sure you are aware of the backlash Michael Richards faced following his racist rant and I am not comparing your comments to his racist remarks, but he made it very difficult for a lot of Seinfeld fans including myself to enjoy that show after that ugly episode. I am sure that you are aware that SRK and you possibly share millions of fans and I hope you will understand that those comments were extremely offensive to a lot of people. I believe that you should immediately apologize to SRK and all fans of Indian Cinema for those appalling comments. I want to be able to respect one of my favorite actors once again.
Thank You
Ali Hashimi
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