Thursday, April 17, 2008

Celina wants Pooja to apologise publicly

Celina Jaitly felt she needed to take retaliatory action against Pooja Bedi for calling her delusional. Celina says she’s ready to withdraw her legal suit against Pooja provided she apologises publicly.

You’re upset with Pooja’s comment.
I don’t know her except when we met for her chat show. I can’t see why she spoke about me like that.

Pooja thought you might be delusional.
Why should she decide my behaviour? Is she a qualified psychologist? I understand what it is to live in a democratic country. It doesn’t mean you call someone mentally ill or delusional without proof. Yes, things have happened to me over the last four years. All kinds of calamities can strike an individual. Some people are more prone to crises than others. I happen to be one of those unfortunate people with whom untoward incidents have taken place. That doesn’t mean I’m delusional. Would Pooja like me to prove that those things have really happened to me or not? Cops caught that German guy who misbehaved with me at a hotel in Mumbai. His visa was cancelled. Did I imagine all that?

You’ve now a sent a legal notice to Pooja?
Yes, I thought of letting it go but my lawyers advised me to send her the notice. Once she called me delusional, everyone in the media started picking on that. Believe me, I have nothing against Pooja personally. I’m shocked why she should make defamatory statements about me when she doesn’t know the background to the whole thing.

Would you be willing to compromise with Pooja?
If she apologises to me in all the newspapers, I won’t take this further. Calling someone delusional is not a small matter.

Maybe Pooja feels you over-reacted?
Does she know I have messages and recorded conversations of the man from Endemol? Believe me I’ve worked hard for whatever little I am today. Nobody has ever promoted me. I can’t allow my name to be sullied. Jealous actresses are doing their best to malign me. When I bought a house on prime property in Mumbai they bitched about whom I slept with to afford my house. People who come up the hard way, know the value of their reputation. I’ve kept quiet. But now, when someone slanders me by calling me mentally ill, I have to get up and assert myself. It isn’t as if I’ve gone on a suing spree. I don’t want Pooja’s money. But a printed apology is a must.

‘Celina needs to apologise to me... she should change her name to Sillyna’

POOJA BEDI REACTS: I don’t owe her an apology. In fact, she should be the one apologising to me for thinking of such a cheap way to earn Rs 5 crore! I have never called her delusional, it was a mere question that I had stated. If she chooses to associate that word with herself then it’s her prerogative.

Also I merely reacted to her statements where she found Anand Chavan from Endemol sending her a champagne bottle as a creepy gesture leading to stalking. Let me reiterate, that apart from me, many other celebrities too were sent those bottles. I don’t wish to drag this matter further, but it’s Celina who seems to want more attention here. In fact she should change her name from Celina to Sillyna!
(As told to Tushar Joshi)

Subash K. Jha


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