Dutch journalist Monica Beek traced the man finally
After reading the story in an Indian daily, Monica searched a lot and finally traced the man, namely Avineshwar, who lives in Hoogvliet, a suburb of Rotterdam, Netherlands.
27-28 years old, Avineshwar is a scriptwriter, writs stories in Hindi, Sanskrit and Dutch.
According to Monica- Avineshwar admitted to sending the parcel but feigned ignorance about the euros. He also told Monica that he was in the habit of sending letters to movie stars and would also sometimes get responses from them.
Yesterday Aishwarya in Jaipur said while talking to the media persons that like them she's too keen to know the person, who has mailed the parcel to her address.
Even Aishwarya has been asked by customs department, Mumbai in this case; however Aishwarya had nothing but to express surprise in this regard.
As per latest the Customs department is writing to the Indian Embassy in Netherlands through the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) to get information on Avineshwar.
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