A chat with Celina Jaitly
What colour is Monday?
Red. After a holiday on Sunday, you need a bright colour to get over your Monday morning blues. Even as a kid I used to wear a red T-shirt and a hideous pair of red shorts which my parents eventually burnt.
What was your nickname in school?
That naughtiest thing you’ve ever done?
My dad gifted me an air gun when I was in the tenth standard. I was a real tomboy, two boys were totally devoted to me. They did whatever I asked them to. With the air gun we fired shots and burst the street lights. To my luck my dad was passing by in his jeep when one of the street lights went bang! I was grounded at home for a month after that.
The best place to be?
My mother’s lap. I’ve sat on her lap and been comforted for years.
What are the four essential ingredients of love?
Honesty, trust, understanding. The fourth ingredient I’m clueless about but it must be the most important one because none of my relationships have worked out.
What’s the weirdest thing you have put in your mouth?
Water beetle. During the shooting of Zinda in Bangkok, Sanjay Dutt offered me a plate. I had it, thinking it was fried sea food.
Three things that attract you to a man?
Eyes, wit and self confidence.
Three things that attract men to you?
Eyes, hair and must be my body.
What’s the nastiest thing you have heard about yourself?
That I resembled Chucky the doll in Child’s Play.
What don’t you leave home without?
My cell phone and wallet.
What keeps you sailing in a crisis?
Faith in God.
One necessity in life?
Your one quality that may surprise people?
My ability to act in my forthcoming movies.
How would you describe yourself to someone who didn’t know you?
For the last four years people recognise me wherever I go. But if I had to I’d say, “I’m just a normal girl who has matured beyond her years.”
When do you feel utterly insignificant?
When I lack knowledge for a particular subject people are talking about.
What does marriage mean to you?
A live-in relationship blessed by the law.
If you were granted two wishes what would they be?
1) A film opposite Brad Pitt. 2) Another two wishes.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I would not be punctual. In this country no one values punctuality.
What are you terrified of being remembered for?
As a person who has hurt people.
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