Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ash speaks up!


Ash denied all the reports saying that she is supposedly going to be the next Bond Girl. The actress clarified that nothing such ever happened and a few people were going to meet her but couldn’t due to her accident. Looking back on her career, she has almost completed a decade and admits that things have changed but is glad that the change is positive. Ash believes that she has got a little tough facing dire situations and working in adverse conditions. The actress started her stardom with a few modeling assignments and then won the Miss India title and went ahead for Miss World. “It meant a lot to me as I was representing the country. I was thinking that I can’t represent the country in Olympics so here I am”, recalls the blue- eyed actress. On the treatment of women in the industry, the actress believes that it is important to face the challenge irrespective of the gender. “It is not easy but I think it lies in one’s ability to say no”, says Ash. The actress wants to give a message to the aspiring youth that the world is huge and here are many other opportunities in life. “They limit themselves to one option and if they cant achieve it, they feel disheartened. They need to look at the broader perspective”, is the advise from the most beautiful women on earth.
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News By: Maxtimes []


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